Saturday, December 20, 2014

20th Advent Gift

Good Morning, CSians! ^.^

Today is the 20th day of Advent, I believe. We're getting so close to Christmas! I can't believe it! :D
*logs in*

Oooh, the packaging looks like tons of little multicolored lights. I wonder what the animal is...

*opens present*


A little cream-colored doggy with a sandy oval on his forehead! Cute. c:

Now, let's look at a few amazing Featured Drawings!

ARTIST: Forgotten :c
It's... so... pink! Like a giant fluffy marshmallow... <3 *faints*

ARTIST: .foxpaw.
Aww, they're like toy Chicken Smoothie pets in a store window! ^.^ It's an adorable idea, and I love the coloring. I think it was based on these pets:

It makes me wish I was this talented... *sigh*

ARTIST: -Cotton-
This is so cute! :o I love their fluffy little candycorn ears! Plus, I have this pet. Lookie:

See? It's one of my favorites. :D

Also, their tails seem to have... er... faces...



Thursday, December 18, 2014

Rare Advent Pets! ^-^

Today on Chicken Smoothie, there's an event that re-releases old pets! :o You could be gifted with a Very Rare pet, or even a Very Common one. It all depends upon luck.

I was fortunate enough to get Clira, an adorable holiday dog:

Awww. <3 I love how she has one green eye and one red eye. Festive!

Good luck, everyone. c:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

'Other Species' and Random Names

Aloha, CSians!
Sorry for the weird greeting, I'm in Hawaii rn. My brain's messed up because I've been in 3 different time zones this week, and the fact that It's a Small World is playing in the background (in Hawaiian) isn't helping.
Anyways, moving on to a more productive topic: the new pet category!
*crowd oohs and aaahs* *several people faint* *somewhere in the distance, someone screams*
Okay, sorry about that. I couldn't resist. X3
Anyways, without further ado; here's the new pet category!
'Other Species', huh? That really looks like a fennec fox on the thumbnail. :o
This is what a fennec fox looks like:
See the uncanny resemblance? They're adorable! The one in the first picture looks stressed though, poor thing :c
Here's the new pet under the Other Species category:
D'awwww! <3
One question though: how did they get it's fur to that unnatural color of yellow? And what's with all of the strange green and blue markings?
Anyways, it looks like a weird mix between a fox and a husky.
Now, here are a few of the strange names that the Name Generator spat out:
Red Hoot Chilly Peeper (Wwwwhhhhaaaatttt? Don't you mean Red Hot Chili Pepper? o.e)
Sulfer (I thought that it was 'sulphur'.)
Sapling (Oooh, now we've decided to name our pet after a tree X3)
Clucky Mcfeathers
Jour D'Amour
Greasy (ew DX)
Fluorine Lemon
Warcry (Eeek, sounds violent)
Feathered Soul (owo)
Bad Influence
Coriander (That's a type of herb XD)
Flash Of Light
Candy Bag
Firefly Wishes
Ect, ect, ect. I could experiment with these for hours. c:<

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June Pets 2014

Hello, lovely CSians! (:
Ooooh, new store pets?
I haven't heard of the artist Selcouth for some reason (probably because he's retired- no duh, me) but I'll have to look at some of his work. I like getting to know the different artists' drawing styles. ^.^
Ooh, looks like we have gobs of new pets for this month!
So, under Dogs we have these adorable, vibrantly-colored pups:
D'awwww. c:
There are also these new foals in horses, both by Lillian Nightshade.
There are actually pets in every category except for under 'Spiders'.
Meh. The poor spiders always get neglected. :'(
That's basically all. Wow, I really would have expected a larger update to celebrate the summertime, but nooo.
Well, hopefully there will be more to talk (or rant >:D) about in the future!
Keep Chicken Smoothie-ing! (because I couldn't think of anything else)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Too True. >:D

Hehe. This is hilarious!
Easter has come, so go collect eggs by clicking this:

Then exchange them for adorable limited-time pets! Good luck egg-hunting! (;

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Name Generator

Hai. FluffiestSlug here.

This has to be a short post, as I have to go to my sister's school to pick her (and her massive cello) up, so we can then zoom to her cello lesson.
Okay. So, I adopted a pet from the pound, and I was astonished to see it actually had a NAME! O.O
(People seldom name their pets on CS, in case you are not a CS-er and do not know that fact.) I couldn't believe that someone had actually taken the time to name their pet, so I looked to see if they now had a random name generator. Turns out, they do...
That is so weeeeeird!
I tried out the name generator on a few of my pets, and--I am NOTTTTT faking this--here are the results I got when I clicked 'change name':

WAAAAHT?! 'Sappy Sodium'? DOWNLOAD?!?!?!?
I soon became addicted to the 'create random names' button, and while I was clicking it again and again, I recorded some of the names it came up with (things written in parentheses were added comments by me):
Venus Sulfur Smoke
Blooming Orchard In The Night
Let's Play (wut?)
Dr. Evil
Poison Apple
I Wanna Be The Very Best
Sappy Sodium
Mr Taco (typical.)
Feathered Soul
Winter Breeze With A Chill
Kookie King
Silence Graive Surprise
Rainbow Bunny
Demon (waaaaht?!)
Helpful Helium
World shaking
Life Is A Maze (It is?)
:D (I am not kidding!)
Gigglesnort (waaht in the coin??!?!)
Seattle Slew (what does that even meeeannnnn????????)
Raspberry Ice
The One Who Lives In A Cold Mo (Idk what that means. I am slightly freaked out.)
Phenix (misspelled, grr!)
Morning's First Beam
Concussion (WUT? NOO!)
Redstone (That's a thing from Minecraft...)
Enderman (Also a thing from Minecraft.)
Whiskey (...)
Nobody Knows Your Heart
Muppet (is that not copyrighted??)
Dippin Dots (is that not also copyrighted???)
Baby it's cold outside (Who is thinking UP these names?!)
Dolphinator (!!!!! Whaaa...?!!!!!)
Joined In Love (Okay, total wut. I have to stop here, or I will die.)
Don't believe me? Click it yourself!!
-FluffiestSlug (troutquintet on CS)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chicken Smoothie's Valentine's Day Celebration

This morning I remembered that Chicken Smoothie was releasing Valentine's items and I had forgotten to post on them yesterday, and Fluffiest didn't either, sooo, hence the late post.
When you click on the envelope with red floaty hearts surrounding it, you are given several presents and pets.
I got all of this from just clicking on a red balloon. I won't spoil all of the items for you... you'll just have to find out yourself. >:D
The thing that caught my eye about today's post was the adorable yawning animals, not the news itself. I mean, fluffy animals can undermine practically ANY guidelines.
Anyways, the Chinese New Year has ended, so hopefully you had time to pick up some limited-edition pets. :3
Oh, and before I sign off, prepare for a brief rant...
These are just critters computer-made by people. They may not be real animals. But still, it gets quite annoying when people only play Chicken Smoothie to get their hands on as many 'rare' pets as possible. My favorite pet isn't rare...
... yet she's still my favorite. I'll never trade her, even for the rarest pet on Chicken Smoothie. I adopted her from the pound not because she looked 'Rare' or 'Uncommon,' but because her silver eyes, halo, and snowy paws seemed adorable. <3
Pets on Chicken Smoothie seem like pets in the real world... how people sometimes poach to get rare animals. It's kind of the same thing for any electronic game with 'rares' involved.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

FluffiestSlug Introduces Her Pets

Hello, Chicken-Smoothians!
I am FluffiestSlug, as you can probably tell from the title. If you read Juniper's Animal Jam Grove, you probably know who I am. My username on Chicken Smoothie is Troutquintet.

Sooo, anyways...
I am not the kind of person who is like, "TRAADDEES!!! HOARDDSSS!!! WISHLIST PETS ONLYYY!!!!" I prefer naming my pets and coming up with personalities for them. Yup. I'm strange, right?

Here is one of my favorite pets:
So, this is Atlanta the fish-wolf, who is, like my TOTES FAVE EVERRRZZZ!!!
I discovered her in this random person's inventory when I was editing their trade, and then I started crazily dumping all my rare pets into the trade box.

Then, about 5 minutes later, I was scrolling through my groups, and I realized that "Pets without a group" had one pet in it. I was like, "Whaaaa...?"

Then I checked, and I saw THIS BEAUTIFUL WOLFYYYY!!!!!! It was a truly wonderful moment.
Atlanta likes flying with her butterfly-wolf friends, but also swimming with her fishy comrades. She also is very good at keeping all of my pets in order--she always breaks up fights between cats and rats whenever they start chasing one another (which is often. You'd be surprised how much the rats chase the cats.)

Her BFFs are Prickles, a shy and outspoken betta fish, and Isabelle, an intelligent random dog.
Here is my other favorite pet, Birch.

Look at Birch.
Birch is cool.
I have no idea where he came from, but someone traded him to me for a hideous Christmas lion, and then I was like, "Yayyyyy! :D :D :D"
Birch will not turn into a butterfly.
He is kind of strange, and for some reason he is obsessed with that song called "Radioactive" (which I do not fancy.) He has an account on CaterpillarBook which he is constantly updating with photos of his desserts.
His BFFs are a random cat named Tom, and a loud and annoying rat named Pattern.
Which pet is your favorite?
Tell me in the comments!
Oh, and in case anyone cares, here is my rarest pet everz:
(The weird name was intended! XD)
Okay, gtg. Some bird just bumped into my window and now all the birds are going "CHEEPCHEEPCHEEPCHEEP!!!!!" frantically into my ear, as my desk is right next to the window that is right next to the birdfeeder. I need to investigate.
UPDATE: Hai. It's currently Feb 2. I just thought I would add to this post my "dreamies" (which is Chicken Smoothie language for 'pets I really really really want'.)
Here they iz:

Chinese New Year Update, 2014.

I haven't updated enough this month, so I'll have to clump all of the updates into one post. X3
I was flipping through the pages to start a post about my absence, when suddenly I clicked back to the  Chicken Smoothie tab, and I spotted this miraculous little icon:
Oooh, I wonder what they might be? But I'm going to finish this post later, so I'll leave you in suspense. >:D
I'm back, it seems, and no one else has posted.
Click on 'event page' to go to a little blue cube that offers you this donkey/dragon/gazelle thing....
I named mine Vermilion. ^.^
It seems that other, different colored variations of Mil can be adopted, as well as...
this oaken dog with a squirrel tail,
a spotty, scaly horse with coloring that reminds me of Fruit Loops, for some odd reason,
and this fiery, fanged chimera-thing with bags dangling from his tail. O.O
But, that's not all...
Aww, and some bonsais and wooden horsies! 
I wonder what Chicken Smoothie will do for Valentine's? It's sure to be interesting. Now, for the pets of the month...
In 'Dogs,' we have these adorable fellows:
I like them both, and the second one reminds me a bit of the aurora borealis with all of it's different hues. (In case you're wondering, the aurora borealis is the northern lights.)
What adorable horses! I wonder what they'll look like as adults?
How cute! SoulWings's cats tend to have little blankets over them and a patch of cream on their faces. 
What vibrant coloring! It reminds me of a book I read when I was little, The Hungry Little Caterpillar, where this caterpillar had these vibrant, different-colored stripes, and kept eating and eating... but that's off topic. I don't know why this particular caterpillar made my mind flick to that book. :3
This rat's patterning looks like tiny, glowing moons, and his body looks like it is dusted with soot in some places. 
A speckled egg! It looks like it's dusted in sprinkles, for some some reason. 
That's all until the next update. I'm terribly excited for Valentine's! :D