Saturday, February 1, 2014

FluffiestSlug Introduces Her Pets

Hello, Chicken-Smoothians!
I am FluffiestSlug, as you can probably tell from the title. If you read Juniper's Animal Jam Grove, you probably know who I am. My username on Chicken Smoothie is Troutquintet.

Sooo, anyways...
I am not the kind of person who is like, "TRAADDEES!!! HOARDDSSS!!! WISHLIST PETS ONLYYY!!!!" I prefer naming my pets and coming up with personalities for them. Yup. I'm strange, right?

Here is one of my favorite pets:
So, this is Atlanta the fish-wolf, who is, like my TOTES FAVE EVERRRZZZ!!!
I discovered her in this random person's inventory when I was editing their trade, and then I started crazily dumping all my rare pets into the trade box.

Then, about 5 minutes later, I was scrolling through my groups, and I realized that "Pets without a group" had one pet in it. I was like, "Whaaaa...?"

Then I checked, and I saw THIS BEAUTIFUL WOLFYYYY!!!!!! It was a truly wonderful moment.
Atlanta likes flying with her butterfly-wolf friends, but also swimming with her fishy comrades. She also is very good at keeping all of my pets in order--she always breaks up fights between cats and rats whenever they start chasing one another (which is often. You'd be surprised how much the rats chase the cats.)

Her BFFs are Prickles, a shy and outspoken betta fish, and Isabelle, an intelligent random dog.
Here is my other favorite pet, Birch.

Look at Birch.
Birch is cool.
I have no idea where he came from, but someone traded him to me for a hideous Christmas lion, and then I was like, "Yayyyyy! :D :D :D"
Birch will not turn into a butterfly.
He is kind of strange, and for some reason he is obsessed with that song called "Radioactive" (which I do not fancy.) He has an account on CaterpillarBook which he is constantly updating with photos of his desserts.
His BFFs are a random cat named Tom, and a loud and annoying rat named Pattern.
Which pet is your favorite?
Tell me in the comments!
Oh, and in case anyone cares, here is my rarest pet everz:
(The weird name was intended! XD)
Okay, gtg. Some bird just bumped into my window and now all the birds are going "CHEEPCHEEPCHEEPCHEEP!!!!!" frantically into my ear, as my desk is right next to the window that is right next to the birdfeeder. I need to investigate.
UPDATE: Hai. It's currently Feb 2. I just thought I would add to this post my "dreamies" (which is Chicken Smoothie language for 'pets I really really really want'.)
Here they iz:

1 comment:

  1. Lol! XD
    I don't play Chicken Smoothie, but I hope to get an account!

