Wednesday, January 8, 2014

CS Design Change and 'Squiddy Smoothie.'

So, I've noticed that there's a new springtime look about the Chicken Smoothie pages... which means that the regular look has returned! :D
See? The wolf is surrounded by lush plants, and there are what look like blueberries and grapes, and purple flowers. It has nice green-y colors. :3
As it says, if you want to use the wintery theme a bit longer, you click on My Account Page.
And under 'My board style,' you can see that it is dull green. You can change it by clicking the little arrow.
You can change it to the old look and several others.
There's 'CSSquiddy,' which is my personal favorite:
The squid is just... so... adorable! :3
'CSMobile,' which is usually what Chicken Smoothie looks like on mobile phones:
It looks like an app, doesn't it? :P
As well as 'CSBusiness' which is kind of... dull.
Bleh. Grey, grey, grey.
Have fun toying around with that!
I'm also going to be tweaking the blog design a bit. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Once, I accidentally got into the Mobile Template, and then I couldn't figure out how to get it away! D'=

