Monday, December 21, 2015

December 18 Pets

Hallo! ^.^

As many of you may know, December 18 is the day on which Chicken Smoothie releases old pets. This provides people with the opportunity to procure rare and unavailable pets without having to trade for 'em!

^Those are the three pets I got. I have a feeling that the middle one will be worth something.


Friday, July 31, 2015

Sucrose City

Hallo! ^^

There's a new adventure called Sucrose City that's out for the summer. (Darn! "Out for the summer" reminded me of a really annoying song called Cool for the Summer, and now I can't get it out of my head. >.<)

Basically, the Sucrose City adventure enables you to explore some sort of weird city/countryside made entirely of candy. I wonder how it doesn't melt in the heat...

Here's the countryside:

Nice unrealistic bear, tons of cracks in the road and houses, and buildings made of sweets. Seems plausible enough.

And here's the town:

Off to the side, there's a Choctopus Monster. *GASP!* If you click on the red octopus, it'll bring you to a new screen that looks like zis:

That is one grumpy lookin' Choctopus.

Scroll down and click on the "Help move the Choctopus back into the river" button, and you'll actually get to read a segment about yourself.

My username is StilteSong, in case you can't remember, and apparently I'm groveling to the octopus. Great.

If you click 'get this item,' you get a fabulous suit made of wet chocolate. Not very comfortable, but it makes a statement. 

Okay, here are some tips about this adventure: Check the Sucrose City shops every day, because new items come out frequently. And be sure to go HERE...

... every hour, because that way you can get gummy worms and exchange them for pets.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

CS Chinese Zodiacs ^-^

Hallo, CSians! c:

Sorry that it's been such a long time since I've posted, but now I'm going to start to become much more active. I was on a bit of a hiatus for a while.
Oh, and I also changed my username on Chicken Smoothie to 'StilteSong' (it  roughly translates to SilenceSong in some random language, like Dutch. :p). I also updated my profile, so feel free to check it out! ^^

Anyways, type in your birth date on Chicken Smoothie...

... and you'll get your Zodiac! ^.^

Hmm, I'm not particularly cheerful or popular, and I can be sort of close-minded at times. :cc But I am agile, witty, and earthly--- for the most part. 
I'm not particularly gullible or childish (or, I hope, rude) but I CAN be stubborn.
All in all, about half of that suits me. :3

Also, don't forget to pick up your Chinese New Year items before they leave!


Saturday, December 20, 2014

20th Advent Gift

Good Morning, CSians! ^.^

Today is the 20th day of Advent, I believe. We're getting so close to Christmas! I can't believe it! :D
*logs in*

Oooh, the packaging looks like tons of little multicolored lights. I wonder what the animal is...

*opens present*


A little cream-colored doggy with a sandy oval on his forehead! Cute. c:

Now, let's look at a few amazing Featured Drawings!

ARTIST: Forgotten :c
It's... so... pink! Like a giant fluffy marshmallow... <3 *faints*

ARTIST: .foxpaw.
Aww, they're like toy Chicken Smoothie pets in a store window! ^.^ It's an adorable idea, and I love the coloring. I think it was based on these pets:

It makes me wish I was this talented... *sigh*

ARTIST: -Cotton-
This is so cute! :o I love their fluffy little candycorn ears! Plus, I have this pet. Lookie:

See? It's one of my favorites. :D

Also, their tails seem to have... er... faces...



Thursday, December 18, 2014

Rare Advent Pets! ^-^

Today on Chicken Smoothie, there's an event that re-releases old pets! :o You could be gifted with a Very Rare pet, or even a Very Common one. It all depends upon luck.

I was fortunate enough to get Clira, an adorable holiday dog:

Awww. <3 I love how she has one green eye and one red eye. Festive!

Good luck, everyone. c:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

'Other Species' and Random Names

Aloha, CSians!
Sorry for the weird greeting, I'm in Hawaii rn. My brain's messed up because I've been in 3 different time zones this week, and the fact that It's a Small World is playing in the background (in Hawaiian) isn't helping.
Anyways, moving on to a more productive topic: the new pet category!
*crowd oohs and aaahs* *several people faint* *somewhere in the distance, someone screams*
Okay, sorry about that. I couldn't resist. X3
Anyways, without further ado; here's the new pet category!
'Other Species', huh? That really looks like a fennec fox on the thumbnail. :o
This is what a fennec fox looks like:
See the uncanny resemblance? They're adorable! The one in the first picture looks stressed though, poor thing :c
Here's the new pet under the Other Species category:
D'awwww! <3
One question though: how did they get it's fur to that unnatural color of yellow? And what's with all of the strange green and blue markings?
Anyways, it looks like a weird mix between a fox and a husky.
Now, here are a few of the strange names that the Name Generator spat out:
Red Hoot Chilly Peeper (Wwwwhhhhaaaatttt? Don't you mean Red Hot Chili Pepper? o.e)
Sulfer (I thought that it was 'sulphur'.)
Sapling (Oooh, now we've decided to name our pet after a tree X3)
Clucky Mcfeathers
Jour D'Amour
Greasy (ew DX)
Fluorine Lemon
Warcry (Eeek, sounds violent)
Feathered Soul (owo)
Bad Influence
Coriander (That's a type of herb XD)
Flash Of Light
Candy Bag
Firefly Wishes
Ect, ect, ect. I could experiment with these for hours. c:<