Saturday, February 21, 2015

CS Chinese Zodiacs ^-^

Hallo, CSians! c:

Sorry that it's been such a long time since I've posted, but now I'm going to start to become much more active. I was on a bit of a hiatus for a while.
Oh, and I also changed my username on Chicken Smoothie to 'StilteSong' (it  roughly translates to SilenceSong in some random language, like Dutch. :p). I also updated my profile, so feel free to check it out! ^^

Anyways, type in your birth date on Chicken Smoothie...

... and you'll get your Zodiac! ^.^

Hmm, I'm not particularly cheerful or popular, and I can be sort of close-minded at times. :cc But I am agile, witty, and earthly--- for the most part. 
I'm not particularly gullible or childish (or, I hope, rude) but I CAN be stubborn.
All in all, about half of that suits me. :3

Also, don't forget to pick up your Chinese New Year items before they leave!
